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Exploring & Creating

Exploration Thursdays is back and we've had such a lovely time exploring and creating during our first month back together. We have missed the wonderful artists and their individual and fun personalities. It feels great to be back together!

We are in a new, inspiring, and beautiful space with a lot of room to play, create, and grow. The Historic 4th Avenue Coalition has been wonderful to us and we appreciate their endless kindness.

During our first month back we made lots of art, played tons of games, and shared many laughs together. We kicked off our first class by making stickers, exploring pastels, making recycled art, and playing games. We continued the adventure as the weeks passed by bringing in new art materials each week for each artist to create endless art pieces. We included brightly-colored glues, wood pieces, felt, and much more. Wonderful art was created and each project was special and delightful.

To name a few projects: a cottage was made out of wood and felt, superhero stickers were made and added to a water bottle for daily display, climate change posters were made and then displayed during the climate strike the following day, the recycling station is still a hit and many awe-inspiring projects were created and played with.

Of course, we made lots of time to play games. We played "pass the hula hoop" as we formed a circle and held hands. We made each round more challenging by using smaller hula hoops and speeding things up. We also played 'Hot Teddy,' Telephone, Hot Potato, Hide & Seek, and more. The laughter that we spread throughout our new art space filled our ears and hearts with happiness.

We are developing stronger friendships and sharpening a variety of skills during our Exploration Thursday classes. It's extraordinary to know how much art fills our everyday lives. Seeing all the little hands create makes art even more special. Art fills our hearts with a magnitude of life, inspiration, creativity, care, and more. Art has the ability to connect us to ourselves, others, and the world around us. We are fortunate to be able to provide this safe and encouraging space for young artists.

We're proud of the space we have created and we're thankful for those that join us each week. We are looking forward to our special October classes that will be filled with Halloween-inspired art projects. Come and have a fun and spooky time with us.

Create freely for your freedom in creating art makes you, you!

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